Python Dictionary

A dictionary in Python is a built-in data type that stores data in key-value pairs. Each key is associated with a value, and the key must be unique and immutable (string, number, or tuple). The values can be of any data type.

Creating a Dictionary

You can create a dictionary using curly braces {} or the dict() constructor.

For example:

# Using curly braces
my_dict = {"name": "James Bond", "age": 35, "city": "Londons"}

# Using dict() constructor
another_dict = dict(name="Ethan Hunt", age=30, city="New York")

Accessing Values of Dictionary

You can access a dictionary’s values using their corresponding keys.

For example:

my_dict = {"name": "James Bond", "age": 35, "city": "London"}

print(my_dict["name"])  # Output: James Bond

# Using the get() method (returns None if the key is not found)
print(my_dict.get("age"))  # Output: 35

Modifying a Dictionary

In Python, dictionaries are mutable, meaning you can modify them by adding, updating, or removing key-value pairs.

1. Adding Key-Value Pairs

You can add a new key-value pair by simply assigning a value to a new key. If the key already exists, the value will be updated.

For example:

my_dict = {"name": "James Bond", "age": 35}

# Adding a new key-value pair
my_dict["city"] = "London"

print(my_dict)  # {'name': 'James Bond', 'age': 35, 'city': 'London'}

2. Updating Existing Values

You can update the value of an existing key by reassigning a new value.

For example:

my_dict = {"name": "James Bond", "age": 35}

# Updating an existing value
my_dict["age"] = 45

print(my_dict)  # {'name': 'James Bond', 'age': 45}

Alternatively, you can use the update() method to update multiple values at once or add new key-value pairs.

For example:

my_dict = {"name": "James Bond", "age": 35}

# Using update() to modify the dictionary
my_dict.update({"age": 55, "job": "spy"})

print(my_dict)  # {'name': 'James Bond', 'age': 55, 'job': 'spy'}

3. Removing Key-Value Pairs

There are several ways to remove items from a dictionary.

(a) Using del keyword

The del keyword can remove a specific key-value pair to delete the entire dictionary. If the key does not exist, a KeyError will be raised.

For example:

my_dict = {"name": "James Bond", "age": 35, "city": "London"}

# Deleting the key 'age'
del my_dict["age"]

print(my_dict)  # Output: {'name': 'James Bond', 'city': 'London'}

# Deleting the entire dictionary
del my_dict

# print(my_dict)
# Trying to print the dictionary will raise a NameError.
# Because the dictionary doesn't exist

(b) Using pop()

The pop() method removes a specified key-value pair from a dictionary and returns the associated value. If the key is not found, a KeyError is raised unless a default value is provided.

For example:

my_dict = {"name": "James Bond", "age": 35, "city": "London"}

# Remove the 'age' key-value pair and return the value
removed_value = my_dict.pop("age")
print(removed_value)  # Output: 35

print(my_dict)  # Output: {'name': 'James Bond', 'city': 'London'}

(c) Using popitem()

The popitem() method removes and returns the last inserted key-value pair.

For example:

my_dict = {"name": "James Bond", "age": 35, "city": "London"}

# Removing the last inserted key-value pair
last_item = my_dict.popitem()

print(last_item)  # Output: ('city', 'London')
print(my_dict)  # Output: {'name': 'James Bond', 'age': 35}

(d) Using clear()

The clear() method removes all key-value pairs from the dictionary, leaving it empty.

For example:

my_dict = {"name": "James Bond", "age": 35, "city": "London"}

# Clearing all key-value pairs from the dictionary

print(my_dict)  # Output: {}

Looping through a Dictionary

In Python, you can loop through a dictionary using several different methods. You can iterate over the keys, values, or key-value pairs.

(1) Looping Through Keys

You can iterate over the keys of a dictionary directly or using the keys() method.

The keys() method returns a view object that displays a list of all the keys in a dictionary.

For example:

my_dict = {"name": "James Bond", "age": 35, "city": "London"}

# Looping through dictionary keys directly
for key in my_dict:

# Looping through dictionary keys using the keys() method
for key in my_dict.keys():



(2) Looping Through Values

You can loop through the values of a dictionary using the values() method.

The values() method returns a view object containing all the values in a dictionary.

For example:

my_dict = {"name": "James Bond", "age": 35, "city": "London"}

# Looping through dictionary values using the values() method
for value in my_dict.values():


James Bond

(3) Looping Through Key-Value Pairs

You can iterate over both keys and values at the same time using the items() method. This method returns key-value pairs as tuples.

For example:

my_dict = {"name": "James Bond", "age": 35, "city": "London"}

# Looping through key-value pairs
for key, value in my_dict.items():
    print(key, value)


name James Bond
age 35
city London

(4) Looping with Index

If you need to loop through a Python dictionary while keeping track of the index, you can use the enumerate() function in combination with the items() method.

For example:

my_dict = {"name": "James Bond", "age": 35, "city": "London"}

# Looping through dictionary items using enumerate()
for index, (key, value) in enumerate(my_dict.items()):
    print(f"Index: {index}, Key: {key}, Value: {value}")


Index: 0, Key: name, Value: James Bond
Index: 1, Key: age, Value: 35
Index: 2, Key: city, Value: London

Check if the key exists in a Dictionary

You can use the in keyword to check if the key already exists in a dictionary.

For example:

my_dict = {"name": "James Bond", "age": 35, "city": "London"}

# Check if the key exists
if "name" in my_dict:
    print("Key 'name' Exists")
    print("Key 'name' doesn't exist.")


Key 'name' Exists

Handling KeyErrors in Python

A KeyError occurs when you attempt to access a dictionary key that doesn’t exist.

Here are several methods to handle or prevent KeyError:

(1) Using try-except

The most straightforward way to handle KeyErrors is by using the try-except block. This way, you can catch the exception and provide a fallback behavior.

For example:

my_dict = {"name": "James Bond", "age": 35}

    print(my_dict["gender"])  # Key 'gender' doesn't exist
    print("KeyError: The key 'gender' doesn't exist.")


KeyError: The key 'gender' doesn't exist.

(2) Using get() Method

The get() method allows you to access a key without raising a KeyError. Instead, you can provide a default value that will be returned if the key is not found.

For example:

my_dict = {"name": "James Bond", "age": 35}

gender = my_dict.get("gender", "Not found")

print(gender)  # Output: Not found

(3) Checking for key’s existence

Before accessing a key, you can check if it exists in the dictionary using the in keyword. This avoids the need for exception handling.

For example:

my_dict = {"name": "James Bond", "age": 35}

if "gender" in my_dict:
    print("Key 'gender' not found.")


Key 'gender' not found.

(4) Using setdefault()

The setdefault() method is useful when you need to add a key-value pair to a dictionary only if the key doesn’t already exist. It returns the value associated with the key. If the key doesn’t exist, it adds it with the specified value.

For example:

my_dict = {"name": "James Bond", "age": 35}

my_dict.setdefault("city", "London")

print(my_dict)  # Output: {'name': 'James Bond', 'age': 35, 'city': 'London'}

my_dict.setdefault("city", "New York")
print(my_dict)  # Output: {'name': 'James Bond', 'age': 35, 'city': 'London'}

Preventing Unintentional Overwrites in Python Dictionaries

If you try to add a key-value pair in a dictionary without checking if the key already exists, you may overwrite the existing data.

Here are some strategies to help you avoid unintentional overwrites in Python dictionaries:

(1) Check for Existing Keys with in Keyword

Before adding a new key-value pair, you can check if the key already exists.

For example:

my_dict = {"name": "James Bond", "age": 35, "city": "London"}

if "city" in my_dict:
    print("Key 'city' already exists.")
    my_dict["city"] = "New York"


Key 'city' already exists.

(2) Use the setdefault() Method

The setdefault method can be useful for ensuring a key is set to a default value only if it doesn’t already exist.

For example:

my_dict = {"name": "James Bond", "age": 35, "city": "London"}

my_dict.setdefault("city", "New York")
print(my_dict)  # Output: {'name': 'James Bond', 'age': 35, 'city': 'London'}